Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's been a while...

It's almost December and I just realized I never did a Back to School post, so let me bring y'all up to speed!  This year Thomas and I, through much prayer and consideration, decided that we would homeschool both children!  At first I wasn't sure if we were making the right choice even though we knew it was best for our family, but man am I glad that we are obedient to God's call on our lives!  Emily is doing great!  She is pretty much ahead of pace in the 7th grade.  She will finish school early again this year. Woo hoo!  Xavier is in 1st grade and doing well also!  He is reading and his speech is improving!  Another woo hoo!  He also just finished up his first soccer season! We have had a great school year so far!  

Earlier this month Thomas and I decided to start going to a new church in Bagdad, FLORIDA (not overseas).  It has been great for our family!  FBC Bagdad has welcomed us to their family with open arms!  The pastor is on fire and always preaches a good word, even when it hurts.  The music is great!  Thomas is singing with the praise band on Sundays.  Emily is working with the Acteens (mission group for girls) and Xavier is singing in the children's choir for Christmas.  I am helping where I can, when I can.  It's truly an awesome experience for our family!  

For Thanksgiving this year we went the non-traditional route and decided to help feed the homeless.  We went to Nothing Lost Outreach in Pensacola.  Our friend told us about it, and we knew it was what needed to be done for our family.  It was great to see the smiles and the thankfulness of those who were fed.  Em and X learned some valuable lessons.  Ever since they have seen the reality of it all, they are very concerned and remember to pray for them every day that the Lord will protect them and keep them.  Very sweet for a mama to hear.  

With December around the corner we are looking forward to our family vacation that we take most every year.  This year it is coming earlier than usual, we are going in January for a week to Disney World.  The kids are overjoyed and really looking forward to it.  Mom and dad are too!  ;)  

I have so much more I could tell, but I don't want this to bore y'all!  

Love from the 4 Sanchez's!  Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I can't believe it!

I can't believe it! Quite a few months ago, I wrote a blog on Emily finishing her first week in FLVS! As I sit here, Emily is almost finished. She only has 1 week left!!!

When Thomas, Emily and I started this homeschool journey, I can definitely say that although I knew it was God's plan for us, I was scared. I wasn't sure what we were going to get accomplished together. We took the leap of faith and stood on God's promises. I can definitely say I am glad we did, and speaking for them, I am sure they would agree.

On this journey, I must say that the things I cling to are that God's mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23) because it wasn't always a walk in the park and that He will never leave us, or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6) because He didn't and wouldn't.

This has been an interesting journey to say the least and I can't wait to see what comes up NEXT on our homeschooling path...

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105

Max on Life by Max Lucado-Review

I recently read the e-book "Max on Life" by Max Lucado. This book is based on people writing to Max and asking all different kinds of questions that they have about life and life situations and Max responded to them based on a biblical view. Max referenced the bible in every answer he gave, and a list of verses he used to respond were included in the back of the book. Some of the issues he covers in the book vary from "Why am I here?" to "Why church?" to "Who goes to Heaven?" etcetera.

At first I wasn't drawn in, because it seemed as if I had already heard the questions and seen the answers before about why I am here and such, but as it got more towards the middle of the book about marriage and relationships, I got more into it. I was definitely impressed with the way Max biblically answered each question, giving backup from God's word for every situation.

Because of the wide variety of questions, I believe that this book would be helpful for every type of Christian, whether they are new or have been a Christian for a long time and I would recommend it.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising